
 Post 1: A country you'd like to visit

One of my dreams is travel around the word with my friends or my boyfriend. I would like to so much meet diferent places and the same time can work to large distance for have money for continue traveling around the word. Now i would like to travel or visit Australia, in specific the Australia zoo or the irwin zoo. I like so much visit the australia zoo because i've been watching the tv show "the irwin" and i love this program, because they save and protec the animals around the world. I've been waching this program for many years and this introduced me for others programs of rescue of animals, for example "amanda al rescate", "pitbulls y convictos", etc.
Other side what i like visit are one park of disney named animal kingdom. This place are in Orlando in United State. When i have 15 years old i go to visit that place and the first look i love it, is magic.   


  1. I have to admmit that Australia makes me a little scared because of the spiders and other animals but reading you has given me another perspective :)

  2. I would also like to visit Australia. I would love to see a koala!

  3. I'd not like to visit Australia, I'm scare of their wildlife.


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